Έκθεση ΔΝΤ - έχουν συμφωνήσει και άλλες 2000 απολύσεις για το 2015


Παρακάτω το κείμενο από την έκθεση του ΔΝΤ στα αγγλικά στην οποία αναφέρεται ξεκάθαρα ότι έχει συμφωνηθεί να απολυθούν 11000 δημόσιοι υπάλληλοι το 2014 και 2000 υπάλληλοι  το 2015

''Public administration. The overall headcount has been reduced by 161,000 since 2010
(19 percent reduction).3
On the mobility and exit scheme, which is aimed at helping
rejuvenate the administration by bringing in motivated workers with needed skills and
tackling the legacy of patronage hiring, the end-March 2014 exit and end-2013 mobility
targets were reportedly met as prior actions. Exits were mostly from narrow groups, including
the closure of the public broadcasting company, doctors in the public healthcare system who
chose to exit rather than accept full-time public sector jobs, school guards, and disciplinary
cases. But beyond these focused one-offs, exits have not been based on performance and
constitutional restrictions against mandatory, performance-based dismissals remain an
impediment. The authorities have undertaken other initiatives, such as passage of a new
annual performance system to limit the share of employees receiving a top grade''


On public administration reform, the authorities are opposed to setting further
quantitative targets for exits (MEFP ¶13). They consider such targets as distracting attention
from other reforms. With exits so far coming mostly from one-offs (¶11), staff’s concern relates to
whether the taboo on dismissals has fundamentally been broken and therefore whether the
efforts are durable to rejuvenate a public sector with a legacy of patronage hiring. The authorities
committed to several steps in the coming months, including to: determine the appropriate size
of the wage bill and employment within the public sector; decompress the wage distribution in a
fiscally-neutral way (as high-skilled and high-performance workers are paid less well, while lowskilled
workers are relatively well paid compared to the private sector); align non-wage benefits
with best practices in the EU; undertake exits to meet this year’s target of 11,000 workers as well
as an indicative estimate of 2,000 exits in Q1 of 2015, and review whether to formally set targets
going forward; and outsource some activities at lower cost to the private sector.

Ολόκληρη η έκθεση του ΔΝΤ εδώ

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Ο Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Υπαλλήλων ΟΑΕΔ - τ.ΟΕΕ - τ.ΟΕΚ ιδρύθηκε το 2014 μετά από σχεδόν ομόφωνες αποφάσεις των Γενικών Συνελεύσεων των Πανελληνίων Συλλόγων Υπαλλήλων των Οργανισμών Εργατικής Εστίας & Κατοικίας.

Πρώτη προτεραιότητα είναι η επανίδρυση των δύο καταργημένων οργανισμών του ΟΕΚ & ΟΕΕ σε έναν ενιαίο Οργανισμό, η επανεκκίνηση των προγραμμάτων στέγασης του ΟΕΚ και μετεργασιακής μέριμνας του ΟΕΕ.